Meeting 10 assignment

For Meeting 11 (Oct. 2/3), fill out your Unit II rhythmic portfolio on Piazza. For each of the six categories, make sure you have provided one correct example in Piazza. If excerpts you previously have submitted have been confirmed by your colleagues or instructor, don’t worry about that category. However, for categories you have not attempted yet, or for categories where your example was proven incorrect by your colleagues or instructor, provide a new example.

Make sure you are clear on compound meter. 5/4, 7/4, etc. are not compound meter. Also, please help your classmates and instructor out by using Spotify, rather than YouTube, if possible. Those YouTube commercials are getting longer and popping up more frequently.

If, for whatever reason (I know a few of you were sick), you did not get the video of “Der Neugierige” in on Friday, get that in ASAP.

Also, begin practicing “Der Müller und der Bach.” A video attempt of that song will be due later this week.

Finally, note that we will be extending the singing part of Unit II beyond the initial target of Oct. 2/3. More details will come soon.