Prep for Oct. 23/24 and 28/29 (UPDATE)

All students:

By you Oct. 28/29 class meeting, work with your group to transcribe at least the first cycle of your song (first strophe in a strophic song, first verse–(prechorus)–chorus in a V-C song). Put your transcription in music notation software.

Make a folder in Google Drive with all group members’ last names and “Unit 2 transcription” in the folder title. Share it with all group members and your instructor, with editing privileges. Make a PDF of your transcription, and upload it to that folder.

Shaffer section:

For Wednesday, Oct. 23, listen to New Years Day (spotify URI: spotify:track:7IzLAli1EfsUYTLgfp4MvM). Follow along with the keyboard part on the score in the MUSC 2121 shared materials folder in GDrive.