Current deadlines and announcements

  • Sign up for exam time.
  • Self-assessment update for Dec. 6.

Prep for Nov. 18 (Shaffer)

For Friday, Nov. 15, 8am, update your self-evaluation including:

  • Comments on your melodic and rhythmic dictation ability so far. Be sure to note what you are struggling with and your plans to improve on it by the end of the semester.
  • An update on functional diatonicism (in-key chords), functional chromaticism (applied and chromatically altered chords), and performance in light of your keyboard performance videos, including updated letter grades.
  • Anything missing from the last round of self-evaluations, which I noted in the comments section last week.

For Monday, Nov. 18, 10am, work with your group to complete a draft of your transcription project. Make sure there is an up-to-date PDF in your Google Drive project folder.

Group transcription meetings (SHAFFER ONLY)

There is no homework for Wednesday, Nov. 13. However …

I would like to meet in person with each transcription group to review your progress and your group’s workflow. I will hold extra office hours next week (Nov. 11–15) in order to accomodate these meetings. Please choose and reserve one of the following time slots for your entire group to meet with me:

  • Monday, Nov. 11, 1:00–1:30
  • Monday, Nov. 11, 1:30–2:00
  • Monday, Nov. 11, 2:00–2:30
  • Monday, Nov. 11, 2:30–3:00
  • Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1:00–1:30
  • Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1:30–2:00
  • Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2:00–2:30
  • Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2:30–3:00
  • Thursday, Nov. 14, 1:00–1:30
  • Thursday, Nov. 14, 1:30–2:00
  • Thursday, Nov. 14, 2:00–2:30
  • Thursday, Nov. 14, 2:30–3:00
  • Friday, Nov. 15, 1:00–1:30
  • Friday, Nov. 15, 1:30–2:00
  • Friday, Nov. 15, 2:00–2:30
  • Friday, Nov. 15, 2:30–3:00

If none of these times work for you and your group, I am available at other times by appointment. Please talk with me before/after class on Monday to schedule a time.

Prep for Nov. 11/12

For Monday’s/Tuesday’s class, read the new resource on protonotation. Then find an 8–12 measure passage of music that 1) has a non-standard bottom number (simple meter with something other than 4, or compound meter with something other than 8) and 2) contains chromatic syllables without modulating. Rewrite that melody in protonotation and bring both the original and the protonotation transcription to class.


This video is for a certain someone who doubted me. In “Hedwig’s Theme,” the second phrase is

do me re ti ra sol.

Hope this clears it up. :)

Assignment for Nov. 6/7

Before your Nov. 6/7 class meeting, complete your keyboard video/recording portfolio (adding the last three excerpts to the three created for Nov. 4/5). After you receive feedback from your instructor, you will have one more opportunity to fix and re-submit some/all of those videos, but do your best to make them (nearly) perfect so that you need not redo them later.