Current deadlines and announcements

  • Sign up for exam time.
  • Self-assessment update for Dec. 6.

Assignment for Nov. 4/5

Before your November 4/5 class meeting, begin work on your keyboard performance portfolio. Record a video of yourself performing the first three (or more, if comfortable) exercises. Try to make them perfect, so that you do not need to revise them later. Choose any reasonable tempo that is comfortable. You may also sumbit audio recordings made in the keyboard lab that authenticate via your IdentiKey, if you already know how to do that.

Oct. 30 activity (SHAFFER section only)

I will be at a conference on Wednesday. In lieu of a class meeting, get together with your transcription group during class time at a location of your choosing (a practice room, perhaps) and work on your transcription project. At the end of the 50 minutes, compose a short paragraph detailing the progress made on the project during that time, and make sure that your updated version is uploaded to Google Drive as a PDF. I prefer if you upload new PDF files each time you update your transcription (named version 1, version 2, etc.) so that I can track your progress.

U2: New Years Day video

As requested, and just for fun.

First, the one shown in class:

And then my favorite:

Prep for Oct. 23/24 and 28/29 (UPDATE)

All students:

By you Oct. 28/29 class meeting, work with your group to transcribe at least the first cycle of your song (first strophe in a strophic song, first verse–(prechorus)–chorus in a V-C song). Put your transcription in music notation software.

Make a folder in Google Drive with all group members’ last names and “Unit 2 transcription” in the folder title. Share it with all group members and your instructor, with editing privileges. Make a PDF of your transcription, and upload it to that folder.

Shaffer section:

For Wednesday, Oct. 23, listen to New Years Day (spotify URI: spotify:track:7IzLAli1EfsUYTLgfp4MvM). Follow along with the keyboard part on the score in the MUSC 2121 shared materials folder in GDrive.

Prep for Oct. 21

Listen to Radiohead’s “Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box” (Spotify URI: spotify:track:1lv2cq78vX9q9Sz8uqkTSu) while following along with the timeline I created. Listen several times until you can identify each of the elements by ear while listening. If you have difficulty with a specific element or passage, post a question on Piazza.

Also, find a partner or partners for the transcription project and choose a song. If more than one group select the same song, we’ll negotiate that on Monday. Come with a second choice, just in case.

Bring staff and notebook paper to class on Monday.