Current deadlines and announcements

  • Sign up for exam time.
  • Self-assessment update for Dec. 6.

Prep for Oct. 16/17

Before class on Wednesday/Thursday, Oct. 16/17, update your self-evaluation to reflect your sight-singing exam, and read the Unit III Guide. Come to class with any questions you have about the guide.

Unit II portfolio

Unit II materials are due before class on Monday/Tuesday, Oct. 14/15. Your Unit II portfolio should include the following:

  • a video of a (nearly) flawless performance of “Der Neugierige” uploaded to Google Drive; clearly lableled with your last name, the song title, and “FINAL” in the file name; and shared with your instructor.
  • a video of a (nearly) flawless performance of “Der Müller und der Bach” uploaded to Google Drive; clearly lableled with your last name, the song title, and “FINAL” in the file name; and shared with your instructor.
  • one example of each of the six rhythmic categories on the Unit II Guide, posted on Piazza under the appropriate heading, and vetted by your classmates.
  • An updated self-evaluation containing grades and comments for standard rhythms, irregular division of the beat, diatonicism in tonal melodies, chromaticism in tonal melodies, modulation to closely related keys, performance, transcription (aural recognition), and professionalism. Your grades and comments should reference all relevant work this semester, not only Unit II.

If you have any questions or difficulties, contact your instructor well ahead of the deadline.

Meeting 11 & 12 assignment

For the day after meeting 12 (Tues./Wed., Oct. 8/9), do the following:

  • Respond to at least six of your classmates’ rhythm excerpts on Piazza, as before. Affirm or critique (gently and helpfully).
  • Make a video of yourself singing “Der Müller und der Bach” as accurately as possible, noting modulations in your syllables, and submit it to your instructor via Google Drive.

This will take quite some time, so be sure not to wait until Monday/Tuesday evening to begin. And do use a recording, a keyboard, or a classmate as you learn “Der Müller und der Bach,” so that you can get those modulations and chromatic-chord arpeggios into your ear.

Meeting 10 assignment

For Meeting 11 (Oct. 2/3), fill out your Unit II rhythmic portfolio on Piazza. For each of the six categories, make sure you have provided one correct example in Piazza. If excerpts you previously have submitted have been confirmed by your colleagues or instructor, don’t worry about that category. However, for categories you have not attempted yet, or for categories where your example was proven incorrect by your colleagues or instructor, provide a new example.

Make sure you are clear on compound meter. 5/4, 7/4, etc. are not compound meter. Also, please help your classmates and instructor out by using Spotify, rather than YouTube, if possible. Those YouTube commercials are getting longer and popping up more frequently.

If, for whatever reason (I know a few of you were sick), you did not get the video of “Der Neugierige” in on Friday, get that in ASAP.

Also, begin practicing “Der Müller und der Bach.” A video attempt of that song will be due later this week.

Finally, note that we will be extending the singing part of Unit II beyond the initial target of Oct. 2/3. More details will come soon.