Current deadlines and announcements

  • Sign up for exam time.
  • Self-assessment update for Dec. 6.

Meeting 9 assignment

For 8am on Friday, Sept. 27, make a video of your performance of the entire movement of “Der Neugierige” (movement VI of Die schöne Müllerin: recording, score) upload to Google Drive, and share with your instructor.

If you have any questions about the modulations or syllables beyond what is discussed in class, use Piazza to consult with each other and/or your instructor.

For Meeting 10 (Mon./Tues., Sept. 30/Oct. 1), print out the score to “Der Müller und der Bach,” listen to it (same playlist and score as above), and mark all cadences by key and cadence type.

Also, practice the harmonic sequentials and arpeggio exercises distributed in class.

Meeting 8 assignment

For 8am the day after Meeting 8 (Tuesday/Wednesday, Sept. 24/25), make a video of your performance of p. 1 of “Der Neugierige” (movement VI of Die schöne Müllerin: recording, score) upload to Google Drive, and share with your instructor.

For Meeting 9 (Wednesday/Thursday, Sept. 25/26), listen to “Der Neugierige”, and for every harmonic cadence, note the key and cadence type (PAC/IAC/HC) on the score and bring to class.

Also, practice the harmonic sequentials and arpeggio exercises distributed in class.

Meeting 7 assignment

By 8am the day after meeting 7 (Sept. 19), SHAFFER’s section only:

Log in to Learning Catalytics (purchase a semester license if you have not already), and enter session ID 56392 to take a quiz on “Die böse Farbe” from Die schöne Müllerin. Have your score handy, and answer the questions about keys in the song. You may also use a recording (such as Ian Bostridge, available on Spotify) or a keyboard.

Before meeting 8 (Sept. 23/24), ALL STUDENTS:

  • Respond to at least 6 examples listed by your classmates in the collaborative playlists on Piazza. If their example is correct, say so. If not, offer a respectful correction, adding the example to another playlist if necessary.
  • Begin practicing your first prepared song (“Die Neugerige”, from Die schöne Müllerin). A video atempt of page 1 will be due the day after Meeting 8 (Sept. 25/26), so make use of the weekend to prepare well.

Be sure to bring your copy of Die schöne Müllerin to class, as well as any other materials your instructor has required (none for Shaffer).

Meeting 6 assignment

Before Meeting 7 (Sept. 18/19), please do the following:

  • Finish updating your self-evaluation for the end of Unit I, if necessary.
  • Read the resource on chromatic solfège and come prepared to sing the sequentials in that resource in class.
  • Bring a printed or digital copy of Die schöne Müllerin to class.
  • Find at least three examples (total, not three of each kind!) of the rhythmic features listed in the Unit II guide. List them in Piazza under the appropriate post. Do not repeat examples provided by others in the class, including those in other sections. This will be one large collection generated by all five sections of the course working together.

Meeting 5 assignmnment

By 8am the morning AFTER sight-singing exams (Sept. 12 for MW sections, Sept. 13 for TR sections):

Update your self-evaluation to include assessment of your complete Unit I video portfolio, and yoursight-singing exam. Give yourself a letter grade (without +/–) for each category covered by Unit I according to the guide at the end of the “Assessment” page on this site, and support that letter grade with evidence from your class activities in Unit I.

Before Meeting 6 (Sept. 16/17):

Read the Unit II Guide. Post any questions you have about the guide to Piazza for discussion there and/or in-class. Only questions posted on Piazza will be discussed in class. Please post them ahead of time.

Bring your Berkowitz anthology to class throughout Unit II, as well as a printout or digital version of Die schöne Müllerin, linked from the Unit II guide.