Meeting 5 assignment

By 8am on Thursday, Sept. 12:

Update your self-evaluation concerning the two conceptual areas we have engaged thus far—strict voice-leading and professionalism. Include any relevant information on what you’ve done in class so far to demonstrate mastery (or progress toward mastery) in those areas. Also, submit your first response to the “over the weekend” assignment below.

Over the weekend:

On Piazza, you will find a post “Music, Philosophy and the Liberal Arts.” Read that post, and the linked blog post, and engage on Piazza with your classmates, me, and Chris Long (the author of that blog post) as instructed. This is a great opportunity to interact with a leading scholar of another field at another university in a way that will enrich our understanding of what we are doing at CU in the College of Music. Take full advantage of it.


Work with your group on your shared portfolio of species exercises. I will be happy to comment on the work in your portfolio as you go, but only after everyone in your group has given their own input for the exercise or question that is causing difficulty.

For Meeting 6 (Sept. 16):

Be sure to bring a device to class that will allow you to work in Piazza.