Meeting 9 assignment

For Thursday, Sept. 26, 8am, do the following:

  • Read the resources: Introduction to thoroughbass, Introduction to musical functions, and Harmonic functions.
  • Take the Learning Catalytics quiz with session ID 300963.
  • Update your self-evaluation, reflecting on two-voice counterpoint, professionalism, and liberal education values. For the latter, make initial comments on how you are applying Long’s four habits of the liberal arts in your work for this class. (Not all of them will be active at this point, given what we’ve studied so far and what we haven’t covered yet.)

For Monday, Sept. 30, 9am, get together with your group and compose your third- and fourth-species exercises. Submit your two best exercises for both third and fourth species in Google Drive for feedback. I will not provide feedback on anything turned in later than that. Your final portfolios will be due on Oct. 7.