Prep for Oct. 28

Before 7am on Monday, Oct. 28, work with your group either in person or online via Google Drive, and expand your voice-leading primer to include information about voicing and motion with chromatic chords (chromatically altered subdominants and applied chords) based on the information from your readings and the examples in your basso continuo and melodic-style models. Also, take the opportunity to clean up, correct, and/or condense the information you already have in your primer. Finally, copy and paste your principles of melodic-style voice-leading into the document in the MUSC 2101 Shared Materials folder, leaving out any that duplicate the principles already pasted in.

Also, finish the altered subdominant worksheet and review the key, to solidify your understanding of those chords. That will help make your voice-leading work with those chords smoother.

On Monday, we will use Google Drive to perform another whole-class consolidation and evaluation of the principles you’ve all found so far in your groups, using the shared melodic-style Google document as our basis. Please bring a Google-Driv-compatible device to class.