Voice-leading (re)assessment

Most of you can articulate the basic concepts of voice-leading verbally. However, many of you are still working on the ability to demonstrate mastery in the application of those principles musically. As a result, a number of groups have not performed to the standard that I would have liked, and that I think you need, on the Unit I species counterpoint portfolios. With that in mind, I would like to give you one last opportunity to shore up these skills. (Which translates into one more opportunity to raise your grade.) For those of you who did well, I have assigned a grade of A or B already in your new assessment report (forthcoming). If you are content with your level of mastery and that grade, you don’t have to do anything more for species counterpoint. If there is no grade provided, or if you want another chance to improve your skills and grade, avail yourself of the following re-assessment opportunity.

  • Choose four cantus firmi: two in major, two in minor.
  • Compose a flawless third-species counterpoint above one of the major cantus.
  • Compose a flawless third-species counterpoint below one of the minor cantus.
  • Compose a flawless fourth-species counterpoint above one of the minor cantus.
  • Compose a flawless fourth-species counterpoint below one of the major cantus.
  • Typeset all in music notation software, saving each exercise as its own PDF file.
  • Create a folder in Google Drive lableled “LASTNAME Voice-leading Portfolio”.
  • Upload all PDFs to folder and share folder with instructor.

This assignment will be performed individually and due Friday, Nov. 22, 8am. You can use any resources other than other people to complete this assignment. In other words, you can use an instrument (you are encouraged to use an instrument), class resources, other textbooks, etc., but you cannot consult another person besides the instructor or TA in composing these exercises. Because it will be done individually and outside of class, it will only be accepted if you re-affirm the CU honor code on the assignment as follows:

I herby reaffirm the CU honor code.
[sign or type name]

or simply:

[sign or type name]

You will be assessed on this assignment according to the mastery you demonstrate on the following conceptual areas:

  • Integrity/independence of melodic lines
  • Treatment of imperfect and perfect consonances
  • Treatment of weak-beat (e.g., passing and neighbor) dissonances
  • Treatment of strong-beat (suspension) dissonances
  • Performability
  • Motion towards a goal

Mastery of five of these concepts (or mastery of four with borderline performance of two) will constitute an A; mastery of four a B; three a C; one or two a D; and none an F. Your grade on this final attempt will be the main contributor to your two-part strict voice-leading grade.

N.B.: You have all received feedback from our TA and/or myself on the species exercises and composed revisions based on that feedback. If you have still not demonstrated mastery over those species (and are, therefore, doing this assignment), you are strongly encouraged to seek in-person help from instructor or TA before submitting this. Schedule those meetings as early as you can to ensure that they can take place.

Good luck! Remember that we are here to help you with this project.