Dec. 4 Assignment

By 8am, Friday, Dec. 6, send me an email explaining your intended final project. If you will do an analysis, pick a piece (or pair of pieces to compare), and also indicate if you will present a paper, slideshow, video, performance, etc. If a composition project, pick a text and give me a brief decription of why you chose it.

Also, pick a partner, and between the two of you decide which one will work on the Brahms setting of Mondnacht and which on Schumann. Then, for Monday’s class meeting, make a thoroughbass reduction of your song (bass and figures for each chord), and provide a functional-bass analysis below the bass line. There are tricky parts in both songs, particularly the Schumann (which balances out by being rather repetitive). If you run into trouble, feel free to consult with a classmate. If you are completely stuck in a passage, notate what you know, leave other elements blank, and move on. This is your first complete thoroughbass/functional-bass analysis of a song, so don’t underestimate how long may will take you—you almost certainly won’t be able to cram it all in to Sunday night. Also, this is your last whole-song harmonic analysis before your final project, so use it to guage the difficulty and time demands that your final project may impose on you.