Current deadlines and announcements

  • Project topic due 8am, Fri., Dec. 6.
  • “Mondnacht” harmonic reduction/analysis due Mon., Dec. 9.
  • Sign up for oral exam time.
  • Class survey for Dec. 11.
  • Final self-assessment update for Dec. 11.

Unit II primer follow-up

Now that your groups have completed your voice-leading primers, it is time for you to read my primer. It was previously hidden from the Resources site, but is now back up. Before Wednesday’s class (Nov. 6), read/watch the following:

  1. Strict keyboard-style voice-leading – Basso continuo
  2. Realizing a figured bass line in melodic keyboard style
  3. Keyboard-style voice-leading schemata

Before Monday’s class (Nov. 11), every individual student should compare his/her group’s primer to resources 1 & 2 above, and for every difference between your primer and mine, write either 1) an explanation of why your primer is right and mine is wrong, or 2) an explanation of the concept I explained that you omitted or explained incorrectly. For each difference, your explanation should be as concise as possible (just a couple sentences; no more than a paragraph).

Write these explanations together in a Google Document and share it with me by 8am on Monday, Nov. 11.

Since this assignment involves self-assessment (what did we get right, wrong, miss altogether?), this will take the place of self-assessment for this unit’s material. If between your group’s primer and this assignment you clearly and concisely explain all the major concepts in keyboard-style voice-leading, you will receive an A for strict keyboard-style voice-leading. Thus, there is no reason the entire class shouldn’t receive an A for that category.

As always, make use of my office hours this week (Monday: 2–3pm; Wednesday: 1–3pm) and Piazza if there is anything you don’t understand in the resources I provided you.

Week 10 & Unit II primers

By Monday, Nov. 4, 9am:

Finish your final keyboard-style voice-leading primers with your group. The primers should be written in clean, grammatical prose, and they should include information on voicing and motion for all diatonic chords and all common chromatic chords (Neapolitan, augmented-sixth chords, and applied chords) in basso continuo and melodic keyboard style. You have resources in Google Drive that we collaborated on in class for some of these principles. Use them to guide your work, but be sure to put everything in your own words.

Class time on Wednesday will be reserved for work on this, so be sure to make good use of that time. Kellan will be present to answer some questions as you work. I will be at a conference on Wednesday, but will be available on Piazza. Please direct all questions for me there. I will not be checking my CU email frequently while at my conference.

This is your end-of-unit project submission, so make sure it is solid. Catch up where you need to, and make sure it is written in excellent prose. And by all means, include musical examples in your text where helpful. I have made a resource that can help you do that.

Prep for Oct. 28

Before 7am on Monday, Oct. 28, work with your group either in person or online via Google Drive, and expand your voice-leading primer to include information about voicing and motion with chromatic chords (chromatically altered subdominants and applied chords) based on the information from your readings and the examples in your basso continuo and melodic-style models. Also, take the opportunity to clean up, correct, and/or condense the information you already have in your primer. Finally, copy and paste your principles of melodic-style voice-leading into the document in the MUSC 2101 Shared Materials folder, leaving out any that duplicate the principles already pasted in.

Also, finish the altered subdominant worksheet and review the key, to solidify your understanding of those chords. That will help make your voice-leading work with those chords smoother.

On Monday, we will use Google Drive to perform another whole-class consolidation and evaluation of the principles you’ve all found so far in your groups, using the shared melodic-style Google document as our basis. Please bring a Google-Driv-compatible device to class.

For Monday, Oct. 21

Please bring the melodic keyboard-style models to class on Monday, as well as something to write with and on.