Meeting 2 assignment

This assignment is due at 8am the morning before Meeting 3 (Sept. 3 for MW sections, Sept. 4 for TR sections).

Record video of portfolio exercises 3–5 with a partner and submit to instructor via Google Drive.

Also, please begin work on your self-evaluation. Comment on your progress on all concepts/skills addressed in class so far (standard rhythms, irregular division of the beat, performance, professionalism).

Be sure to have the Kazez text with you for every class meeting during Unit I.

Additional notes

If your videos of exercises 1–2 were not up to standard (or if you had tech/partner/course schedule issues that prevented you from completing them on time), the long weekend is a great opportunity to (re)do those exercises. All seven videos will be due by Meeting 5 (Sept. 11/12).

A 1-minute video domonstrating uploading and sharing files on Google Drive can be found here.

As usual, make use of Piazza if you have any questions about the course, the syllabus, the policies, the homework, or the technology.