Assignment for Oct. 14

Form a group of 2–4 students that will work together on the Unit II portfolio. Using the template provided during class (available in Google Drive), create a document where you will build your primer on keyboard-style voice leading.

Using the model basso-continuo style voice-leading examples distributed in class, work with that group to discern the principles according to which those examples are realized from the figured bass line. Focus on two main issues: chord voicing (what notes go into the chord and which are doubled/left out) and motion (how do individual pitches in one chord progress to the pitches in the next chord).

For Monday, try to come up with five or less principles that cover all situations relating to chord voicing, and three or less principles that cover all sitations relating to motion. Each principle should be expressed in clear, grammatically correct sentences in your Google document, not bullet points.

Do as much as you can within your group, but feel free to consult other groups on Piazza if you get stuck.

Also, please watch the following video (approx. 15 min) as you continue to solidify your understanding of harmonic functional analysis. In it, I walk through the excerpt from Haydn XVI:35 that we analyzed in class on Monday.

Functional analysis of Haydn XVI:35, I., mm. 1–8 from Kris Shaffer on Vimeo.